Adovia: Purifying Dead Sea Mud Mask with Aloe Vera and Vitamin C #Review #Adovia


I have been using mud masks since High School and even found that they are a great way to use as an acne (overnight) spot treatment. I don’t wake-up with red and blown up blemishes and the mud aids in drying out the pimple or bringing it up to the surface. Nonetheless, the pimple will be dealt with and gone the following day. With time, I started getting better at differentiating what a clay base is and what mud is classified as, because I would get confused. You had muds with regions, locations, to even different claims but they all purified. I have found that Dead Sea mud, the mud tends to still be as effective as other mud based masks, but tends to give less of the side effects like over drying. I have parts of my skin that are considered sensitive and other normal to even oily in the t-zone area. It’s hard to apply a mask while you trying to avoid sections, but not with Dead Sea mud. Each company has its own blend, so trying them out has been interesting in seeing how well they perform.


Adovia Mineral Skin Care, is a company that carries everything from masks, creams to even soap bars derived from more kinder and natural ingredients. Their Purifying Mud Mask fits the line perfectly and I also like that they bottled the product in a squeeze bottle, so no jar to use that always makes me hurry up and try to scoop product out while racing for time (as air is the enemy) but making sure none falls on the jar’s rim or worse, on the counter.


Retail Price Point: $24.99 for a 5.1 fluid ounce bottle via Adovia’s website and $14.95 via Amazon.

Ingredients (as listed on the box):


I found that Adovia knows a lot about the products they make and this was seen by the indications/Directions listed. Most people apply masks, allow them to dry for 20 to 30 minutes, and then rinse. Muds work best when kept in a moist environment, whether this be a shower or sauna, to even a sink filled with hot water that is giving off steam. It keeps the ingredient in their active state and allows more of that “gentle pulling” and purifying of the skin’s surface to take place. This increases circulation and aids in promoting a better looking skin’s surface after treatment. This is why our face looks so smooth and has that beautiful natural glow after a mud mask treatment. I found that if I do the application in the shower, my results last longer. My skin remains in that improved state for about three days, so I got more out of the results by doing the “wet treatment”, and it also makes removal easier and less messy. I tried the Adovia Purifying Mud Mask for a period of one month and I used it once a week and did some spot treatments as needed. I am satisfied with the product’s consistency and it’s wet enough to make application a cinch but not so wet that I am chasing it. I even treated my chest area because bikini wearing season is here! No matter where applied, I got positive results that lasted. Less breakouts or skin issues and who doesn’t like flawless (or as closest as I can get) skin? I like getting maybe 1 pimple and then having clear skin. I also found that Adovia’s mask helped speed up the healing process and drying out period. If I got a “blinder”, those pimples that can’t make-up their mind about coming up all the way or going away, no problem as the mask’s influence made them decide really quickly. I found 75% just gave up the and left, while 25% would come up within 24 hours so I could pop (hey, I’m not walking around with a whitehead) and then they would dry out. Within three days, I had zero effects left behind from redness to swelling being totally gone. The mask also helps any marks or dark spots left behind from scabs.  Your scab will peel off quickly and no dark marks left behind!  The more religious you are about using it and by this I mean keeping on schedule (once or twice a week and staying faithful to the schedule), the less issues I had the following weeks. I skipped a week and by day 12, I could tell my skin was starting to get problematic again. I had no excuse other than time but I shower everyday, so I could have easily taken the bottle in with me. You are worth it, so stick to a schedule and you will be happy you added Adovia’s Purifying Mud Mask to your beauty routine.

Connect with Adovia Mineral Skin Care and their skincare products at:


I received the above product(s) free of charge from Adovia.  I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion.  My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.

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