Wild Planet Foods: Albacore Wild Tuna, Chicken and Wild Sardines #Review #Sponsored by #MomsMeet


​​I received the above product(s) free of charge from Wild Planet Foods and MomsMeet. I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion. I received no other compensation in exchange for my review. My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.


Finding Tuna anymore that is edible and from a company that practices safe standards, well it is not that easy. I find many canned versions pretty much a “surprise-in-a-can” because you can’t see the product, so you have take that leap of faith that it will look good and not just be minced fish that should have been discarded. I have bought many brands that allege to hold high standards, to just be disappointed or worse, the only difference is the label and price tag, but the questionable source remains the same. I just stopped eating tuna! Not the best answer when I crave a salad or tuna sandwich, but it was my way to not even deal with it. I then heard many people stopped too because like with many industries, we found out how things are made. The pink goop that made nuggets, well call tuna the grey-ish soup that looked or tasted nothing like the fish. I don’t want to hide the fish with condiments, so why bother was my attitude.

Then came Wild Planet. Okay, I was skeptical because I saw the glossy pamphlets, the pretty pictures and read the materials. It sounds really good:

The company is all about sustainable resources and practices. The main part was traceable responsibility when it comes to the foods they distribute. Not only does Wild Planet have high standards when it comes to fishing, but also on the product they deliver to your family’s table. So, pretty much I don’t have to dress up my tuna to hide getting a not so good can. Wild Planet is a control freak! I like that because that is how I shop and how I would want someone picking my food for me. They are involved with all the fish they purchase to ensure quality, flavor and that texture remains as premium as it can be. No over handling, no hiding yucky questionable “flakes” of fish meat in a can, and making sure that if your can states Albacore Tuna, you get what is labeled.


Wild Planet also offer many varieties that come in canned, jarred or pouch versions.  You also can pick products that are packed in oil to no salt varieties.  Every selection is just the fish and no water added:


You can see the only thing that comes from a farm, is the chicken and that is even held to organic standards. The rest is all wild caught with strict guidelines like no long lines, no nets, no FAD (fish aggregating device) and turtle safe. Founded in 2004, Wild Planet respects the consumer by first showing the same regard to the seafood they catch. We hear about cage free eggs and how that misnomer is used, but there is no funny stuff when it comes to Wild Planet. They are open about the practices they keep and it has become the mantra the company proudly lives by. Wild Planet is based in my home state of California and all their products are part of the Non GMO project. Like I mentioned, there is really finally a company you can trust when it comes to seafood (and chicken).



Taste Matters: 

Okay, I missed the heck out of Tuna! The fish is fresh and the flakes are large in size.  Think of a fish steak that was kindly packaged in a can with little to no over handling.  You see how the natural fish is shaped and the “breaking of the flake”, that fish meat is up to you.  You want larger pieces for salad, you got that! Want to fork it and make smaller pieces for a sandwich or to enjoy with crackers, again you are in control of that.  I should have tried Wild Planet longtime ago but I did not want to take that leap……take the jump with both feet in and pick up a can, pouch and/or jar.  This is a can packed with fish and not water, oil, fillers or anything.  Just purely good seafood!


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