Eu Natural: Caffeine with L-Theanine, Energy Support & Mental Focus; 60 capsules Review #Caffeine


Sometimes a cup of coffee or tea is the last thing I want in the morning and energy drinks are usually full of sugars, so I opt in taking Caffeine pills. A half pill to start the day is what I usually need and the other half I take in the afternoon to get that “umph” to finish the day with completed tasks. I thought all Caffeine pills were the same and most times, I just looked at contents and where the caffeine was derived from, and then at pill count. I later realized that even though caffeine is a simple drug, it’s a supplement, so let the games begin! Some brands gave me no energy, while others had me buzzing around like a Humming Bird even if both bottles stated the same milligrams. It made no sense other than what I was taking was not always what was really what I was getting and disclosed. I now even pick my manufactures carefully to simply purchase caffeine pills, and so should you.

Eu Natural provides the consumer with a product that not only provides you caffeine, but also has L-Theanine.

What is L-Theanine-
The ingredient is usually added to caffeine to aid with jitters, shakes, and more so to curb the not so great effects we sometimes experience. It helps give caffeine a boost, where you also feel more alert and perform faster. L-Theanine, does not effect the potency by diminishing it’s effectiveness either, it just makes sure you get the benefits faster.  It’s just a add-on ingredient that I don’t see on many caffeine bottles and I have only taken the supplement in conjunction in the past. Theanine is a natural ingredient found in many foods, drinks, and teas. Think of Green Tea when it comes to this ingredient, and small clinical studies have shown that it helps by reducing anxiety and so forth, so you can see why it’s beneficial to have this with caffeine intake.

Retail Price Point: $19.95 for a bottle that has a 60-Capsule count.


Directions: You can take one capsule up to 4 times a day, and it’s suggested each capsule be ingested with 8-ounces of water.


Ingredients (as listed on the site): Caffeine (Pharmaceutical-grade), L-Theanine (Pharmaceutical-grade)


I took one capsule in the day and one in the afternoon, as I usually buy tablets and this being a capsule, it meant I could not cut the pill in half. I did get energy and the claims of staying alert and focused, minus the nervous twitch is true. The Humming Bird in me was not flying off the walls and I was able to think and function clearly. I got through my tasks quickly and never had a moment where I felt a drop in dosage and was just hit with tiredness. I was awake when I needed to be and the capsules from Eu Natural did not interfere when it came to sleep and/or downtime. I could control the dosage and not as finely as with a tablet, but enough that I did not feel I was taking more caffeine than needed. My only negative is the price point. It’s high and really up there for the simple ingredients. I like simple supplements and especially when I just want caffeine, however if you take 2 pills a day, this bottle lasts you a month. Take more or the maximum of four pills, and you are looking at spending $20 for a two-week to three-week supply. Ouch! I can see adding Eu Natural into my supplement routine for days the jitters matter but not for everyday consumption. I don’t want to spend that much on what really breaks down to one simple supplement and I myself prefer purchasing L-Theanine separately because I don’t mind taking two pills, versus one when it comes to saving some funds.   If you want an all-in-one, then Eu Naturals is for you!

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I received the above product(s) free of charge from Eu Naturals.  I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion.  My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.

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