Kiss Me Organics: Ceremonial Grade Matcha Tea #Review #OrganicCeremonialGradeMatcha


Not too long ago I got the opportunity to review Kiss Me Organics Matcha Green Tea. I liked it. A lot. Clean, not jittery, energy and overall a nice switch from regular coffees and teas. Kiss Me Organics decided to then send me the Ceremonial Grade Matcha. I’m more than game.


Ceremonial grade Matcha must meet specific guidelines. From only the youngest, brightest, most vibrant leaves, grown in the shade, from only the very tip of the bush. Streamed, air dried, and stone-ground, this highest grade green tea is traditionally harvested from specific regions of the Japanese mountains, and is reserved for special occasions or a special treat due to the unique conditions required for growing and harvesting. It’s taste is unique as well, delicate but also full bodied with high sweet notes and a touch of butter at the finish.


Kiss Me Organics Ceremonial Grade Matcha is also the most sensitive to light and oxidization due to it’s delicate nature. So it comes in a vacuum sealed foil pouch inside a sealed metal tin with a twist off top that seals airtight again after. Kiss Me Organics is serious about this tea, and one taste will tell you it’s worth the effort. Ceremonial grade is the highest in nutrients, antioxidants, chlorophyll and fiber as well, with no artificial flavors or colors. I didn’t think I’d notice so much difference from one grade to the next, but I did. It’s a whisked tea that’s thicker, richer, and with more range in the flavor than the premium grade. It leave s just a little sediment at the bottom, but that’s nothing to complain about. I just love this tea.
If you’re wondering if the higher grade is worth the higher price, I say it is. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and plan to save it for special occasions. It has all the same energy benefits I noted with the premium version. It also has the one big drawback too. It’s so finely ground that it’s nearly impossible to not drop a bit, and it stains almost instantly. So I’d advise preparing your tea over glass or something that is glazed and dishwasher safe. I hope my readers treat themselves to this tea and enjoy it as much as I did.

Retail Price Point: $28.00 via Amazon

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I received the above product(s) free of charge from Kiss Me Organics LLC.  I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion.  My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.

Kiss Me Organics: Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder #Review


I was looking for some time for a way to incorporate a more natural approach when it came to replacing my caffeine pills. I love and enjoy drinking tea very much, but it’s not my main source when it comes to energy. In the morning if I have to run errands, the last thing I want is to drink more fluids than I already do!

I started reading about Green Tea and alternatives when it came to sources. Trying to think beyond the tea bag here and found Matcha. Matcha, is finely milled or fine powder green tea. So before you start just crushing tea leaves with a mortar and pestle, this is what makes Matcha distinctive and more nutritious. Matcha like other supplements has certain standards and qualities it must meet to carry the name. For one, the leaves must be grown in the shade to preserve their qualities and potency. Sun oxidizes the leaf and decreases the potency. A quality Matcha powder is rich with antioxidants (i.e. L-Theanine). L-theanine (also known as Suntheanine), is an antioxidant that helps with reducing stress and also aids the cardiovascular system. L-theanine, also minimizes the negative effects associated with caffeine; jitters, speedy effect, being jumpy/nervous is reduced. You still get that natural energy boost to help you get through the day, and may even assist with burning fat. Among the other benefits I read, Matcha can help with moods, liver cleansing, assist with sleep by allowing the state of “deep sleep” become more achievable to weight loss (balancing fat and muscle).  I even read where Matcha is attributed to better skin health, helping to detoxify and brighten your skin, which something I did notice change from just drinking green tea.


Kiss Me Organics Quality:

Getting a good source of Matcha is key and Kiss Me Organics delivers a finely milled powder that is not grainy, vibrant green in color, and it does not have that “hay smell” you get from the oxidized and less powerful Matcha out on the market. The packaging allows the product to remain in a dark environment to preserve it’s potency and you can easily seal it closed and remove much of the air as possible at the same time. I was very happy with the product and how easy it blended with yogurt to even my coconut and almond milk mixes.

Not in the Mood for Matcha?

Like with everything, you want to change it up to not get bored and this is why coffee, like tea is made in so many different ways even if they were born from a bean or leaf. For those days that I was not in a green tea mood, I resorted to just filling gel capsules. Just purchase those empty capsules and fill them with Matcha. I noticed zero changes from ingesting the Matcha combined with a food product to just taking the capsule. I got all the benefits!



I don’t miss my caffeine pill and I thought the no jitters claim was false but I must admit that I’m calmer but energized…… let’s call it controlled energy that allows me to focus. I also do sleep better and I’m more on a regular pattern, where I wake up at the same time and need my rest and sleep around the same time everyday too. I kind of like that turning on when I need to and finally getting deep restful sleep that you don’t know you were missing until you get it. I have been doing more and getting more done, so that also makes me feel better and I guess that does lift one’s mood 🙂

Retail Price Point: Via Amazon $49.77


Kiss Me Organics is a company that really supports the products they distribute. They sent me recipes that helped change up how I got my Matcha for the day but was also making sure I was happy and satisfied with the product. That level of customer service is very appreciated now a days and Kiss Me Organics stands by their product with a zero hassle money-back guarantee!

Try Matcha via Kiss Me Organics and connect with them here:

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  • #KissMeOrganicsMatcha

I received the above product(s) free of charge from Kiss Me Organics.  I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion.  My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.